Imagine If we all gave up any rights we have to our own opinions our lives would be much easier. Giving up our rights to our opinions could also improve our country in many ways and could also save lives. It could also secure the future for the next generations If people really want it to.

    Many things going on in our country could be fixed or improve if people give up the rights to their own opinions. For example many protests have been going on for the killing of  African Americans in the hands of American officers which have lead to looting and shootings. We have be honest many agree that this has happen because Americans see African Americans differently and don't feel save around them because of their color or whatever it is. An example is the case George Floyd who had a American officer take a knee on his neck stopping his ability to breath till he died. You see before this happen George was already in handcuffs and had been sat down for a minute. When they asked Gorge to get inside of the back of the police car he refused. He kept telling the officers he was claustrophobic he used no force as they pushed and pulled him into the car. He told them he preferred to sit down like he was minutes before put they ignore him.

        The officer's opinion about George was that he was on drugs because of how he got emotional and started to act differently when they got to him.  Other people with George told officers they thought he was acting up because of traumatic events that have happen to him in his life. Yet the officers didn't care about their opinions. I don't know what made the officer feel like he need to take a knee on his neck but after his friends gave their opinion on why he was acting up and George giving the same reason. It leaves us believing the officer didn't think George was on drugs and after George laying him self of the ground the officer sure didn't have a reason for him to think George meant harm. So the only other reason he would knee on George would be simply that he didn't like George because of his raise or whatever it was.

     At the end of the day the death of George and the looting and shootings that have happen due to other African Americans being killed in the hands of certain American officers could have been avoid. If not only the officer who killed George but if every one could give up the rights to their own opinion and listen up to how we are all humans and we should all be treated the same no matter our raise or color. We then could improve our country but only if we all give up our opinion about each others raise. If so this could stop future protests but most importantly it can secure an actual free country of racism for the next generations and save lives.


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