
12/11 Journals

1.A moment i remember clearly was when we use still live in our old house. I remember sitting at the edge of bed looking around the room. I was just five years old at the time but for some reason after 10 years i could still see how that room was sit up so clearly. 2. If could interview one person living or dead it would be god. I would ask him what is the point of life to him. I would do so because so many people see life differently to each other. 3. I think that people use violence like the one talked about in today's topic because they don't like the actions or thoughts of others. Especially when talking about countries liking each others actions and thoughts on certain things.

Final Refection For World Literature 2020-2021

  Many things made this course different to any other course I have taken. One of the things that made it different were our blogs. I have never had a teacher with the idea of having blogs. I liked the fact that we could go back and see our finished work. My sister in law also likes helping me or seeing the work I have done. So the bogs made that very easy to show her.    They are many meaningful things we went over in this course. I found the journals the most meaningful we got to write our thoughts on different topics every day. Not only that but we also got to write about anything we wanted and express our selves. I found the journals a good way to express our selves and thoughts we have on certain topics so I say it was the most meaningful.     When it comes to my work I am most proud of the effort I put into the work I did finish or post on my blog. I do think I could've kept my blog up to date or posted more. I do wish I had kept the same motivation I had in the begin to the

12/4 journals

 1. The relationship I have with my self influences me more. I say this because the relationship I have with my self is not like any other relationship I would have with any other person. 2.  If i shared the same body as my cousin. We would being and end the day arguing and annoying each other. It's dumb but we just don't like each for no reason. 3. On Friday my cousin came over. He got mad because his mom did not want to go home. After arguing with her for a while he gave up. He went and sat down quietly for about an hour you could just see how bore he was. I say I describe him indirectly.

Les MIss #3

 In chapter three it describes the district of Digne having a few of plains, many mountains, an dhaving hardly any roads. The bishop had to visit thirty-two curacies, forty-one vicarships, and two hundred and eighty-five auxiliary chapels. He did this on foot when it was in the neighborhood. If it was on the plain he went in a tilted spring cart. Two old women accompanied him when the trip wasn't to long. One day he arrived at Senez an ancient episcopal city. He rode his donkey and when he arrived some of the people laughed at him. He explain that he did so because he needed too and not because of his achievements as a priest. During his visits he talked to cities about how their neighbors did things differently. In Catons he talked to them about Briancon. They helped the poor and unlike in Catons. Because of this he said the city was blesses by god. He did this for every place he visited.


1.I think that when we were kids we had more fun because the things we consider fun was free to do. As I a kid I thought of going outside or going up stairs to play with my toy cars. As i got older i consider other things fun like going to the movies or going out to eat my friends or going to places like boomers or paintballing. So as i got older the things I consider fun started to cost me money to go and do.  Also as i got older school took more and more of my time.2 To build a relationship if it's online or offline I say that you have to be very talkative and interesting. I say this because when being talkative it makes things between the people who haven't meet less awkward and being interesting makes the person or the people you are meeting want to know more about you.3 I think that people depend on push notifications because they could set a reminder so easily. Instead of having to remember what you have to do which some people having trouble because they have so many oth

Les Mis #2

 On chapter two It describes the palace of Digne. As a huge beautiful house which was build by M. Henri Puget. Three day after the bishop had arrived at the palace he went and visited the hospital. There he has a conversation with the director of the hospital about how many sick people he has. After the conversation the bishop gave up his place in the palace and moved into the hospital. Myriel received money from the state on the day he moved into the hospital. That same day he arranged how he would spend it he only kept 1,000 out of the 15,000 francs. The bishop continue to do so only keeping a small amount. Three months later the bishop demanded an allowance for expenses of carriage, expenses of posting, and expenses of pastoral visits. The people didn't seem to like this and said that Myriel was like the others a blacked-capped rascal. The evening he was given the 3,000 francs he arranged on how he would spend it he didn't keep a single franc this time. As the people see tha


 The difference between a sign and a symbol is that a sign is indicator of something specific and a symbol is something that has a more deeper and complex meaning. The three elements of a symbolic relationship are symbol, reference, and us. A word is not a sign or symbol because a sign or symbol could be understood without communication. One natural sign I have seen in the world are dark clouds which meant it was going to rain. A symbol I have seen in life is a marriage ring they have no end or beginning it is endless it symbolize the way the commitment  between the couple should be. I know this means this because my mom explained to me after she got married with my dad.