Final Refection For World Literature 2020-2021

  Many things made this course different to any other course I have taken. One of the things that made it different were our blogs. I have never had a teacher with the idea of having blogs. I liked the fact that we could go back and see our finished work. My sister in law also likes helping me or seeing the work I have done. So the bogs made that very easy to show her.

   They are many meaningful things we went over in this course. I found the journals the most meaningful we got to write our thoughts on different topics every day. Not only that but we also got to write about anything we wanted and express our selves. I found the journals a good way to express our selves and thoughts we have on certain topics so I say it was the most meaningful.

    When it comes to my work I am most proud of the effort I put into the work I did finish or post on my blog. I do think I could've kept my blog up to date or posted more. I do wish I had kept the same motivation I had in the begin to the end of the semester. In this course I found learning symbolism can help me in the future. Learning that simple things like a green light could mean more then just go to a person could be  important. If we could see the simple things that mean to each other I think we could respect each and our actions more.
        In this course we read books with our class and by our selves. Lis Miserables a book we read with our class was very good it showed us how characterization could make the reader understand and like a character more. The representation of the bishop in the book really made me understand more and like  his character in the book. In Fourmile something I read by my self I saw how the author talks about how the kid feels and his actions in the text. This really changed my mood and made me see how using certain words in the text to express the character or talking about his actions or what lead to them could also change the reader mood. In the book The One and Only Ivan the author changes tone when ever talking about Ivan and his shows. The author also changes tone when a character who is in pain or dying is talking to the others. This showed me you could change tone within characters in order to give them each other a personality or express more how that characters feels more.


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